cartier love bracciale imitazione
cartierbraceletlove Martine, yes it is powdered gelatin. The brand should be in the post. Also, You can not change the honey ratio, it will ruin the final consistency and stability of the marshmallow. This is probably why it was was so messy for you. You might want to try a mellower honey next time, however if the marshmallows didn’t fluff right because your ratios were off, the marshmallows will taste much sweeter and more like honey. You can use agave but then that wouldn’t be GAPS friendly. I do not store marshmallows in the fridge, the condensation will break them down. Also, these marshmallow will not last quite as long as others ones due to the honey. Honey absorbs water, so they will break down a bit faster, this is also while the fridge doesn’t work for them. Hope this helps.
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